About Us
The Goose Lake School District was #1283 and was established by the Municipality of Shell River on March 18, 1904, which is one year after the railroad was built through what is now Roblin. The school was put up on a corner of the Scott family farm, near the present town site.
The name "Goose Lake", came from a scenic lake along the south side of the community. In 1910, the town decided to build a new school. It was finished by 1911 and it stayed until 1974. By 1913, the facility had several rooms.
The history in Roblin is marked by a number of key events. One of these events occurred a year later when four districts combined to form the Goose Lake Consolidated School District. It began operation as a unit on January 1, 1912. By 1915, there was an adding on other districts and lands, there fore the school served approximately 115 square miles of territory, which was one of the largest schools in Canada. This growing school student population brought a decision to enlarge the educational facilities of Roblin. As a result of this, there was a new school erected in 1920.
The building was called Goose Lake Consolidated School District #1, it had grades 5-12, with the primary grades 1-4 remaining with the original 1911 school. Many Roblinites and ex-Roblinites can recall student days in this new school became known as the Goose Lake Collegiate Institute. It continued for forty years, and was the direct predecessor of the current high school in Roblin.
In 1959, the province of Manitoba took education through another major phase when legislation was passed and created over forty school divisions throughout the province. Each of these divisions was charged with the responsibility of looking after grade 9 - 12 education. As a result of this development , a school building went on across Manitoba. Roblin was one of many rural communities to benefit from this. A new grade 9 - 12 school was constructed in 1960, and it was officially opened as the Roblin collegiate Institute on
January 27, 1961. The old Goose Lake Collegiate Institute then became the Intermediate School.
The new Roblin Collegiate Institute wasn't long in undergoing an expansion. In 1967, three classrooms and a physics laboratory were added on. However, on March 7, 1972 the school burnt down because of a fire. In 1974, following the devastation of the old Intermediate School and the "retirement" of the original 1911 elementary facility. A decision was made to divide Roblin area students between the new Roblin Elementary School (built in 1969) and the Collegiate. Kindergarten to grade 6 education would be offered in the former school, and grade 7-12 in the newer school.
In the autumn of 1974, there was a building program in progress in the Roblin Collegiate. It consisted of seven new classrooms, a gymnasium, a multi-purpose room, a resource center, and a general office area. There was also extensive renovations in the existing building. On top of all the renovations there was also 200 grade 7 and 8 students and eight new teachers who moved over to the collegiate from their former school. This brought the student enrollment to a total of 600, and a staff size to 28.
In 1975, the school board changed the school's name to Goose Lake High. Although not altogether a popular choice in the school itself. The new name had obvious historical roots that made it in some ways entirely appropriate.
Today, Goose Lake High serves the educational needs of about 150 students with a staff of about twelve teachers. Our school has a long and proud history.
The name "Goose Lake", came from a scenic lake along the south side of the community. In 1910, the town decided to build a new school. It was finished by 1911 and it stayed until 1974. By 1913, the facility had several rooms.
The history in Roblin is marked by a number of key events. One of these events occurred a year later when four districts combined to form the Goose Lake Consolidated School District. It began operation as a unit on January 1, 1912. By 1915, there was an adding on other districts and lands, there fore the school served approximately 115 square miles of territory, which was one of the largest schools in Canada. This growing school student population brought a decision to enlarge the educational facilities of Roblin. As a result of this, there was a new school erected in 1920.
The building was called Goose Lake Consolidated School District #1, it had grades 5-12, with the primary grades 1-4 remaining with the original 1911 school. Many Roblinites and ex-Roblinites can recall student days in this new school became known as the Goose Lake Collegiate Institute. It continued for forty years, and was the direct predecessor of the current high school in Roblin.
In 1959, the province of Manitoba took education through another major phase when legislation was passed and created over forty school divisions throughout the province. Each of these divisions was charged with the responsibility of looking after grade 9 - 12 education. As a result of this development , a school building went on across Manitoba. Roblin was one of many rural communities to benefit from this. A new grade 9 - 12 school was constructed in 1960, and it was officially opened as the Roblin collegiate Institute on
January 27, 1961. The old Goose Lake Collegiate Institute then became the Intermediate School.
The new Roblin Collegiate Institute wasn't long in undergoing an expansion. In 1967, three classrooms and a physics laboratory were added on. However, on March 7, 1972 the school burnt down because of a fire. In 1974, following the devastation of the old Intermediate School and the "retirement" of the original 1911 elementary facility. A decision was made to divide Roblin area students between the new Roblin Elementary School (built in 1969) and the Collegiate. Kindergarten to grade 6 education would be offered in the former school, and grade 7-12 in the newer school.
In the autumn of 1974, there was a building program in progress in the Roblin Collegiate. It consisted of seven new classrooms, a gymnasium, a multi-purpose room, a resource center, and a general office area. There was also extensive renovations in the existing building. On top of all the renovations there was also 200 grade 7 and 8 students and eight new teachers who moved over to the collegiate from their former school. This brought the student enrollment to a total of 600, and a staff size to 28.
In 1975, the school board changed the school's name to Goose Lake High. Although not altogether a popular choice in the school itself. The new name had obvious historical roots that made it in some ways entirely appropriate.
Today, Goose Lake High serves the educational needs of about 150 students with a staff of about twelve teachers. Our school has a long and proud history.